Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wow 5 Weeks to go...WHAT!!!! it has been an amazing experience so far and I apologize for not posting as often as I let's see what's been going on.
1. Month 1 & 2 went great lost 30lbs! (felt strong and proud)
2. Month 3 & 4 lost 5lbs (started getting frustrated w/myself and slipped a bit)
3. Month 5 just weighed lost 2lbs ( not mad at myself anymore took a look at what I need to change and am ready for month 6)

What does any of this tell me? I could look at it two ways.....I could beat myself up and say "wow look how good you did in month 1&2 ..and then I just screwed up month 3-5 I am such a loser...I am always going to be FAT !!!" or be kind to myself and say " Wow I have lost 37lbs...I can not wait to see where I am a year from now....and I know if I concentrate on tracking my food and exercise I did in month 1&2 ...I will continue to do better the next month"
Well I am choosing to live by this second statement...but just to be clear the first statement I did feel and I was living there for the last couple of months...hmm...was that negativity serving me well..? absolutely not...what serves me is the belief and faith that if I just trust in myself to take the best care of me and do what is positive and leave or change the negative..I will be on my way to the best journey will not end when this contest will not end until the day my last breath is drawn on I want to make sure that I enjoy this journey and that life is something I create not just something I live.
Love to you and to me!
Create what you want in this world...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Personal Power

Well you know that saying it takes 21days to break a habit and the best way is to also replace it with a new (healthier/better for you)habit I think it is true to a point. The point it becomes a little cloudy is when you are finally starting to get used to the " New" way you act,think,be and care about yourself there will come a test...of how much are you really wanting to act,think,be and care about yourself. How "Bad" do you really want to change? How " Much" do you really believe you are worth caring for?
My first " Test" came this last couple of weeks..and let's just say if it were a test to be graded I think I may have to take the test over . Does this mean I throw in the towel? Has the " Fat Lady" sang her final curtain call? Am I rolled up in a ball...sucking my thumb and wishing I never had started this in the first place?
I really did think of quiting...throwing in the towel and honestly I did roll up into a ball for a couple of days (at least mentally)
I encountered some events this last couple of weeks that had me start to question the new thought processes I have been working on..I had my feelings heart tested..and my personal power broken...I let others hurtful actions and words start to make me question my new found belief that I am worth something..that I just may be pretty..that I have more to offer than I allowed myself to believe..those new toughts began to fade and my old thought patterns started to creep back in. The ones that told me for years and years how unworthy...ugly and fat I am..even though those thoughts were not true...they became my reality for many years and they actually came true at times (what you think about you bring about). I began to sink back into that pool of "self hate" and although not a fun place to be it was oddly comforting..why because it was familiar...I began to start telling myself " Why do I even try I am never going to be able to do it" and " Who was I fooling I can't be anything"
This may all sound like whining or depressing and you know if I stayed there it would be...the reason I am writing this is...if I can help someone else realize that these sort of thoughts happen to not just them..then it is worth me letting everyone else know what I go through on a day to day basis. I did let someone else hurt me but it was me who allowed others actions to affect me..I began to realize its not my problem what others may or act towards me...I can only control how I how after a couple of days of "ICK" I began to realize this and gain my power back.
Personal Power is for one to know and be comfortable in who they are without having others validate it for is also not controling others actions to produce an outcome you is learning to control your own actions and reactions and realizing that Power comes from within and no one can take it as long as you don't allow it.
So... we are all on a journey and we all get to decide how that journey goes...remember.. like I said in a previous post " Love of others is important but love for yourself is what makes things happen"
I am still committed to losing weight and being my best me...and I realize I have the power to make that one can take that from me...unless I let them...and if I slip it is ok...I can get it back. =)

Love all

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I don't think "Balance" is the correct word =)

Well my friends some of you have noticed that I have been a bit disconnected from my usual activities and maybe even a little distant....I have been thinking about this and I wanted to let you in on what is going on with me.

I know I have not called or returned calls as much as usual...spent as much time with you as usual...been out in the world(with the exception of the gym,backyard and foothills)as usual... etc. etc. etc
I want to apologize if I have made any of you feel as if I was ignoring you or cutting you out....that is not my intention at all....and that is what spurred this current I can give you a little insight of what is up.

When I began this challenge that is exactly what it was for me a challenge and an opportunity for me to raise some money for "City Light" and a way for me to have an accountability to stay on track. It has been all that and so much more....I am beginning to see some things about me that I have chosen to ignore and let hide in the darkness of my mind...well when you " Put it all out There" for all of the world to watch it begins to shine a light on so much more and to be honest I have had a hard time learning how to handle some of this.

So I chose to work on some of this....and as all of you know when you put more than one ball in the are either going to learn how to juggle or some of your balls will fall and the ones that don't are the ones you are so fixated on you don't take your eyes off of them...that is what has been going on with me....I have not quite learned the fabulous skill of juggling...and I let some of my "usual" life fall...not because I don't like it but because I was fixated on some parts of my new the challenge is to learn to balance the new with the old and only let balls drop that no longer serve me now... those balls are not people in my life but rather old habits that are being replaced by new habits.

So "Balance" hmmm I don't think that is quite the right word because to have balance motion is usually at a stand still and all things are even ,like a I am thinking the correct word for this is " Flow" you see when you throw one or two balls up in the air you are already passing two more between your hands and it is a steady "flow" of action one up, one over, one under,two up,two over,two under..etc.

So my friends I am working on my "flow" of all things important in my life and please know that as I am growing/going through this ..I take all of you with me....friends and family are an important part of my life and will always be in my "flow" of patient with me as I learn to juggle...I know I will get better.

Thank-you all for supporting me !

Love you

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Love is not just what you have and give to others but what you also need to have for yourself

I was going through photos of family and friends the other day and noticed that every time I came to a photo of myself with brain instantly started to compare....instantly pointing out to me how "different" I look to the family member in the photo with me....which in itself does not sound all that bad except...while comparing I was tearing my self apart....saying things like WOW my head is really too big....god look at my crazy hair....ick I look like a giant among them....I am definitely not petite like so and skin looks like a dead eyes are so funky big and yet so arms...not like so and so...etc etc etc

I have come to realize that my "uniqueness" is what I have used as a "weakness" never looking at myself with friendly eyes and seeing what is good about me..what I have that makes me...ME.
I am learning now that love is just not what you have and give to others but what you also need to have and give to yourself.
I am now trying to look at me with New Love for Myself and see that I may not look like my family..but that does not make me the monster my brain had convinced me I was.
If I don't start to love myself then all I have been doing will cease at some point because why do something for someone you don't care wouldn't do such acts to change for anyone unless it was for the most important one... yourself.

So my challenge to all of you is to look in the mirror and tell yourself how much you love you....if it is hard to do then start with one thing about you....I started with something small " I love the way my wrists look" I know it sounds funny but each and every part of you is what makes you, you and to love must love all of you!

Love to you and to me

" Love of others is of yourself is what makes things happen"

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Getting bored of vegetables?

I have been getting a little repetitive when it comes to the vegetables I have been eating .... so my "Coach" ...... hmmm she is so much more than that.... suggested I try a new veggie so this weeks new veggie is Kale.

What is Kale I am thinking it is a form of cabbage but I am not too sure. Tom went to the grocery store with one main thing on the list to get Kale...he called me said he thinks he found it but is going to ask produce guy if it is it. The produce guy said...yes sir that is Kale, but why do you want it...Tom said to eat it..produce guy said...I don't think people eat it..he thinks it is just for garnish on the big banquet trays....hmmm now Tom is worried what the heck are we going to eat tonight!

Well, Tom and I cut up yellow squash,green onion,garlic,carrots,snow peas and the Kale.
Put it all in a stir fry pan with a 1tbs of olive oil..chili powder and turmeric...excluding the goes in when all the other veggies are done....then throw it in..let it wilt and BAM!!

It was absolutely delicious and very filling...I love finding out that eating right..can taste so good!

My challenge to all of you...go to the produce a veggie you have not tried and give it a shot...

Love to you

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mind over Matter...Are you Sure??

So things have been going pretty well on the exercise and food choice front...but today has been a little bumpy...I am having thoughts of foods that I have chosen not to partake in while I am on this journey and everyone is just a simple solution of Mind over Matter....and even though I love some of the people that have been so sweet to give their advice on this...well Love ya but have to disagree with you over this general concept of Mind over Matter.

I think it is kind of funny that people would choose the words like Mind over Matter in the first place...because it is my Mind I am needing to conquer not the fact my Mind is so fighting with wants to go back to its old thought wants to go back to what is comfortable...the road that is easier..the path it get the point. I mean would it not be easier and instant gratification if I just gave in and had that cheese? MMMMM Cheese...yes that would be easier and yes I would get a bit of gratification...but after, what do I get after? I would get.....a massive feeling of guilt....a big chunk of self hatred...a voice in my head saying see I knew you couldn't do it....and then after that I would just get it again and again and again.

So I am thinking instead of this phrase of Mind over Matter...I would like to change that to
Conscious Choice over Settling for Comfort

Isn't it funny ,that what we have become comfortable in isn't always the best choice for us and if we really look at really is not all that's just all we know.

I am choosing not to eat the cheese because after I thought about it...I am not settling for anything anymore.

Love ya

" Make all your choices, conscious ones and all your acts with passion"

Friday, May 8, 2009

First Weigh In !

I weighed in today! I will weigh once a week Friday on my own and then once a month for the contest so my first weekly weigh in....I have lost 10lbs!

Have a Wonderful Weekend and don't forget the women who brought you into this world!